Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Report: Extensive Security Flaws in State Motor Vehicle Offices Nationwide

Another American article, but its lessons surely apply to Canada. Thanks to beSpacific for the link to the following:

Report Documents Extensive Security Flaws in State Motor Vehicle Offices Nationwide

The Center for Democracy and Technology investigated problems of ID theft and fraud at state motor vehicle administration offices nationwide. They conclude, in the report referenced below, that driver license information is subject to widespread theft due to fraud and bribery, and recommend remedies to address the widespread availability of false licenses that compromise individual and national security.

Unlicensed Fraud: How bribery and lax security at state motor vehicle offices nationwide lead to identity theft and illegal driver's licenses.

This is additionally interesting/scary in light of the movement to put biometric identifiers and other additional information on drivers' licenses and to turn licenses into de facto national ID cards.

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