Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Markup of Bill C-29 PIPEDA Amendments

For anyone who may be interested, I've created a markup of PIPEDA showing the changes proposed by Bill C-29 (first reading). Additions are shown as underlined and deletions are struck out. Here it is.


  1. I love that you made a redline PIPEDA -- great stuff. One problem though: it doesn't include the #FISA amendments! To get a full picture of post-amendment PIPEDA, you need to look at both sets of amendments. Could you update the redline?

  2. The link seems to be broken.

  3. Hmm... I don't seem to have any problem with the link, even if I'm not logged into my Google account. If you have trouble with the link, e-mail me at david.fraser (at) mcinnescooper.com and I'll e-mail you a PDF.


  4. WOW - thanks so much for the resource - very helpful to see it redlined
