Monday, February 27, 2006

Back in Halifax

Sorry for the light blogging over the last little while. I've just come back from four days in Pasadena, California where I was attending the "Winter" Meeting of the Licensing Executives Society. (I've put winter in quotes because it was sunny and in the mid-twenties (c) the whole time.) There wasn't much there on privacy, but it did provide a lot of mental nourishment for the other side of my practice, IT and IP law.

While I was there, I met a fellow legal blogger, Bill Heinze of Atlanta, Georgia. He writes a blog entitled I/P Updates - News and Information for Intellectual Property Practitioners, which is one of the top ranked IP blogs and newsletters in the US. If your practice strays into that arena, you should check it out. If you need an incentive to visit the blog, Bill has written two posts about the content presented at the meeting: Asian Licensing Negotiating Tips and Music Licensing Update.

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