Saturday, February 11, 2006

Alberta Commissioner rules that Workers' Comp can disclose personal information

From the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (with link to the report):

Commissioner finds the Workers' Compensation Board had authority to disclose personal information

February 9, 2006

Commissioner finds the Workers' Compensation Board had authority to disclose personal information

Information and Privacy Commissioner, Frank Work, has determined that the Workers' Compensation Board was authorized to release personal information on an individual.

The person had filed a complaint with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner following the release of personal information from the WCB to the Appeals Commission for the Board.

The Complainant objected to the release of the information and also complained about the extent of the information disclosed. The WCB released the information to the Appeals Board regarding an allegation of a reasonable apprehension of bias concerning the complainant.

Commissioner Work has held that the WCB was authorized to release the information under section 40 (1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. In his ruling, Work indicated the extent of the disclosure of information was necessary to enable the WCB to carry out the purposes of section 40 (1) in a reasonable manner.

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Copyright(c); 2006 Government of Alberta

To obtain copies of F2005-002, contact:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
410, 9925-109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J8
Phone: (780) 422-6860
Fax: (780) 422-5682

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