Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Birthday Cards lead to investigation by the Privacy Commissioner

The Federal Privacy Commissioner has been asked to investigate after two residents of Deep River, Ontario, received birthday cards from Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MP Cheryl Gallant. The individuals involved are not politically active and had not requested to be contacted by Gallant's office. The only way that the MP's office had their birthdays, they think, is by taking them from passport applications that were processed through that office. They are not happy with the idea that the MP took personal information from their passport applications, are storing it and using it without their knowledge or consent. The Commissioner is investigating, but without jurisdiction as MPs are not covered by the federal Privacy Act. For more info, see: - Election - Surprise birthday cards put Valley MP on the hot seat.


  1. Excellent post.Thanks .............

  2. you would be surprised at the information held in this office! After this "leak" they had 3 shredders going full time for several days!!

  3. after this even the shredders went steady for 3 days .

  4. wish the truth would have come out at the time and they actually investigated
