Monday, December 19, 2005

Thanks ...

I have to offer Simon Chester a very public thank-you for the incredibly kind words he wrote about this blog in his recent posting to and an article in the OBA magazine.

Slaw | Archive | My Take on Blogging - and Slaw:

"... When a young lawyer in Halifax started building his practice in a novel area, he noticed that there was no single place to track new developments in the Canadian law of privacy. Now the Canadian Privacy Law Blog has been running for two years, and David Fraser has become the leading privacy lawyer in Atlantic Canada, with a thriving practice and an enviable presence...."

Simon is an incredible gentleman whom I first met about a year or so ago, thanks entirely to my blog. Blogging as a lawyer has many benefits, primary among them are meeting some very interesting and well respected colleagues at the bar (and colleagues in the bar).

1 comment:

  1. David,

    The praise is much deserved. Thank you for your efforts in posting such an excellent blog.
