Thursday, December 29, 2005

Edmonton pawnshop owner takes a stand over electronic reporting of personal information of customers to police

As of January 1, 2006, pawnshop operators in the City of Edmonton will be required by a city bylaw to enter information about customers into a database that will be electronically transmitted to the police. He has always collected this sort of information, as required by law, but Kelly Buryuniuk is not at all happy with having to send it to the cops, particularly via a private contractor. He is concerned about the security of that data, he says. The pawnshop operator says he will defy the bylaw, even if it gets his license suspended. The Information and Privacy Comissioner of Alberta is reviewing the system. See: - Edmonton News - Standoff brewing.

1 comment:

  1. The writing is on the wall! Protecting a customers privacy is paramount. Ontario's privacy commissioner has ruled and companies such as BWI days are limited.
